Unfortunately, any business or individual can find themselves involved in a dispute and being a party to a dispute can prove not only be an expensive exercise but can be extremely stressful for all involved.

We have the specialist knowledge to ensure that your dispute will be dealt with efficiently and cost effectively.

At THP Law we advise businesses and individuals across Cheshire and Manchester on a wide range of disputes which include:

  • Contract disputes

  • Inheritance Act claims

  • Disputed wills

  • Boundary disputes

  • Construction issues

  • Professional Negligence claims

  • Shareholder/Director disputes

  • Partnership disputes

  • Debt recovery

Unfortunately, any business or individual can find themselves involved in a dispute and being a party to a dispute can prove not only be an expensive exercise but can be extremely stressful for all involved.

We have the specialist knowledge to ensure that your dispute will be dealt with efficiently and cost effectively. By taking action early, and by using the Civil Procedure Rules to their full effect, we can minimize the stress and help you to resolve your disputes quickly and before the costs become prohibitive.

In particular, we consider the use of mediation which is a form of alternate dispute resolution to resolve our cases. Mediation has around an 85% success rate for settling cases without the need to go to Court

Mark Whittell leads the dispute resolution team. He is an expert at resolving commercial disputes and has practiced in commercial and insolvency litigation for over 30 years. Mark is also a mediator and in the last 20 years he has conducted over 400 mediations as either a mediator or lead negotiator.

Each case is different but the key to successful litigation is take the time to listen and learn about your needs, and then to provide a tailored approach for your case and offer expert advice to work towards the resolution of the dispute.

We will consider not only the strengths but the weaknesses of your case so that we can undertake a full cost risk benefit analysis of your case. We will be transparent on the costs you are likely to incur and provide a budget for your case up to trial. Our commercial and pragmatic approach to litigation will then drive us to settle your case cost effectively.

We do appreciate that the prospect of litigation can be quite daunting and Mark is quite happy to have a preliminary conversation with potential litigants to discuss the process and the potential costs to assure them of the process.

Why Choose us?

  • We offer low fixed fee rates

  • Local Stockport experience – you can’t beat it

  • We work closely with your estate agent and other solicitors to ensure that your sale or purchase progresses to completion as swiftly as possible.

  • Conveyancing Quality Scheme (CQS) – we’re an approved practice which means our quality service is recognised by The Law Society.

  • We allocate a dedicated experienced conveyancer to you who will answer your questions, keep you updated and make sure you are prepared for your move;

  • We will go above and beyond to make sure you move at a time that is right for you;

Contact us by e-mail or call us on 0161 480 2629 to discuss your requirements or to obtain a personalised quote.

Keep up to date with all our latest information and updates from the firm on social media. Find us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

PLEASE NOTE: The material provided on our Dispute Resolution services are intended for general guidance only. It offers useful information but it is not supernumerary for obtaining legal advice by any means.

Please contact us for an accurate quote tailored to the information you provide us.